Druids Glen Corporate Membership
Druids Glen is one of Ireland's premier golf resorts. Becoming a Corporate member of Druids Glen offers so much more to your business and clients than just golf membership, there are an array of privileges conferred upon you when you join Druids Glen as a corporate member, so whether your needs are golf, accommodation, corporate functions the membership scheme provides you with a complete range of facilities for all your needs.
Nominees can enjoy full membership rights and status
Allocation of green fees for client entertainment or a corporate golf day
Access to a full range of golf competitions and inter club golf
Dual playing rights on Druids Heath
Green fee allocations can also be used on Druids Heath
Complimentary meeting room hire at Druids Glen Clubhouse
Access to a range of private dining options for your clients
Complimentary Druids Glen Bag Tag
For all golf membership enquiries please contact +353 1 287 0800 or email golf.reservations@druidsglenresort.com